Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday from those who love you!

Hi its ur mylk mommaaaaaaasjdfIm so glad you arrived in my life and im so proud to see you become the wonderful human you are today. Im so lucky to have you as a friend and am so glad we met in [REDACTED] :’3 but i havent regretted it since! Truly was destined to happen this way :nodbear:and im glad that i was able to become friends with you ;w;I hope we can continue to inspire each other in every way; life, artistic, etc <3Me am care n love u smelly rock climbin lady.Happy birth and i hope you get treated like the queen you are <3

Happy Birthday Brit! Thank you for being an awesome friend, great teammate and overall great person. Hope your birthday is fantastic!

Happy birthday Aiko! I hope your resting your goddamn hands or else! I’ve really enjoyed getting to be your friend and im really excited for what the future holds for you.
I make a promise to you to continue to fill your dms with cursed shit

Aikooooo my sister from another mister UWU I hope you have a great birthday and we will create a lot more chaotic and wonderful memories together. I am glad Will dragged me into the group and we became such close friends!
If I ever happen to be across the water puddle I'll take you out queen <3 Thank you for listening to all my complaints and cheering me up, you're a good bean. I hope you will have a lot more happy days in your life. MUA MUA MUA
xxx Elly

Hey hey Brit, Barek here your favorite Dutch friend who on numerous occasions has threatened to swim across the sea to inflict violence unto many that have thwarted you.Having become friends with you has been one of the highlights of my last year and made what could've been an incredibly horrid period far more bearable than it would be with you. I'm so happy that you got the temp job and are progressing to your future goals, the ones you will no doubt reach!I hope in the coming year, you will be more kind to yourself and more confident! You have plenty of reasons to be. If you will not be kinder to yourself there will be consequences. My shard that is actually in the US will be sure of that.
You are a great person and I hope you have a great birthday. Or as I like to say:
Tis mine desire to see thee have a most joyous of all birthdays. The day thou hath ripped the vestiges of reality asunder and willed thyself unto this astral (and dare I also say umbral) plane. Your existence hath changed this star eternally, will it be for the better? I dare not say, yet you should celebrate this day nonetheless, lest the magicks that keep this plane together be unraveled out of displeasure due to an insufficiently joyous day for thee.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AIKO! You’re a super cool friend and we should beat up Nernie together sometime :nodbear: I hope your day goes great too ♥

I know it’s been quite very little time since we’ve known each other thus far, but I already adore every moment of your presence. From the joy that you spread to others, I also managed to get a glimpse of that in my direction, especially when you told me of your roleplay experiences and how I essentially was able to live through their moments of emotional triumph and pain through your storytelling. And on top of that, you’re already quite the amazing player (and the lot of us won’t let you think otherwise, damn it). We want you to have an incredible birthday, and that we’re around to celebrate it with you. May your day be as lovely as you are. ♥ (P.S.: I’m totally dragging some RP characters I have to do some RPs together with you once Data Center visiting is live. Please look forward to it!)

Angy bun boi here, just thought I’d give you the happy bdays nerd, I owe you a lot for kicking my ass into talking to Nele and I’m thankful you’re there when I panic about some things lmao. I’ve not mentioned it before but you’re a huge inspiration for me to get my ass back into gear on the climbing wall so I can start properly bouldering. You’re an incredibly kind person that’s always bringing happiness to those around you, so I hope you find that happiness returned.

Brit, Akio, Aiko, Ehri. Happy birthday! I've not known you long, a few months at most. I'm glad you pulled me into this sphere of influence you have, you've made such a wonderful friend. I always find it hard to reach out to people, but knowing your so caring and kind it makes it much easier, and hope that you too can reach out to me in the future!